Video Games – a Key to Success? Once someone’s point of view stroke me: "To sit with a glass of beer in front of the zombie-box is absolutely normal for an adult. To eat and overeat salads sitting at the New Year’s laid table, constantly filling glasses with wine and other alcohol drinks and telling the guests a most valuable and outstanding jokes of Petrosjan, is quite appropriate and honorary for a grown-up. To sit in a light dead drunk condition on the bank of the river, watching at the movements of the fishing float muddily is a common civilized leisure activity… But, being deeply concentrated, solving a most difficult problem in a computer game is typical for a complete abyss of ignorance… Someone has his ass-full of childhood and infancy…" Today, there are no young people, who never played a video game. A video game is a virtual situation, which we sink in to cope with various kinds of problems and tasks. It is believed now, that this sort of entertainment is created for one purpose – to make fun, to divert and to entertain. Parents are completely against VG, because they think, spending free time playing a computer game won’t bring any positive effect to their child and won’t teach him anything useful. Video games are good-for-nothing… Their point of view is quite True, but, there are people, who don’t agree with this opinion. In order to make the things clear, let’s get down to history. What is a game and when did it appear? In ancient times a game was a produced artificial situation which required a player to cope with its tasks in order to teach him to use his thinking or physical strength in a certain way. So, the main aim of a game was to teach a child to operate with his abilities. In simple words, a game was aimed at teaching a person to learn how to live: how to hunt, how to cook, how to cuddle a baby, how to struggle with a sword – all these are definitely aspects of real life. And what about today’s VG-s? Their aim has definitely changed, but the contents is quite the same. Modern gamers have to use their brains in order to solve a most complicated tasks and puzzles, to use strategies and to find out different ways of coping with them. Games also broaden the player’s mind and develop social skills. Some VG-s are played on-line, so people may interact with friends, meet new people and communicate with foreigners, and to get on good terms with them, and practice English, of course. There are even more interesting facts. The statistics demonstrates, that a person who plays VG-s regularly has more developed imagination. And also, a computer game gives a player a way out for his emotive tension. Playing VG-s helps the player to develop his ability to make quick decisions. Many VG-s help children to improve hand-eye coordination, as well as attentiveness. This ability is important for will be - drivers. So, now it is clear that VG-s have quite a number of advantages. As you see, all these skills are rather useful and can be used in real life. And who knows, may be VG-s will be more wide-spread in future and some methodologies will be established to raise up real examples of lucky bargees.

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